Saturday 18 August 2012


Evening all and what a glorious day it has been here and the sun is still beating down on us.. Amazing how the day instantly gets off to a good start when there's a bit of blue in the sky.

This morning started off with the usual caffeine overload, just to make sure I got up to speed of course. Lol. Out came the paint for a project and in between during drying sessions I was doing the housework. Nothing like a bit of multi tasking to achieve more in the day. Once that was done it was time to do some more chores before moving out the back to the bunnies. Cage sterilising, cleaning bottles, bowls etc, etc, etc. Was wonderful though as it was a good excuse to soak up some sun rays. Came indoors and had a good clean and change of clothes so I smelt nice again. Lol. Friend popped in along with her 2 kids and 1 of their friends then other friends appeared as I was dropping them off at a charity do and I've stolen their wee one for the night to keep us entertained. Never a dull moment when Nicole's around. Lol.

We're home again so going to pop some dinner on as I'm a little bit peck now and we're having movie night with popcorn later. In the meantime I thought I'd share another wee sneaky peek of something that I can't quite share with you just yet.. Only 2 wks to wait though and all will be revealed. Right I'm off to get some food so catch you all later and hope you've enjoyed your sparkly Saturday. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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