Sunday 19 August 2012

Naughty or nice?

Evening all and I must say the day has simply flown by. Watched a wee movie this morning whilst doing some craft work which led in to the afternoon as I got carried away. Lol. All of the bunny cages have now been intensely disinfected which I like to do every few months.. They do get disinfected every week but the intense one means boiling water etc so it's a whole different ball game. My wee poorly bunny has had a few hours therapy this afternoon and will hopefully be back to full health this week. Had a late dinner and Rob is currently on the phone to his mum.. Poor soul is in for a shock as we're just about to tell her that she'll be seeing us in a few wks time and she has no idea. Lol

As you know I'm working away on some projects that I can't completely share with you just now but I'm doing my best to share some sneaky peeks with you every day and this is today's. I can tell you though that I'm loving what I'm playing with so hope you will too when I share pics of the finished projects in the near future.

Well I guess I best sign off and make a cuppa so I'm ready to speak to my MIL. Will be back again soon so keep up the happy crafting in the meantime. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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