Friday 17 August 2012


Evening all and sorry it's so late in the day before I've managed to post but it's been a wee bit non stop. Hubby was off to it was a chance to get some chores done. Started by putting car in to garage for a service, back home and friends popped in for a wee cuppa and chat, had lunch, helped Rob clear out the garage and garden shed, done housework, mum popped in for a 10 minute visit, collected car from garage, went to dump with the crap that had come from the garage and shed, had a wee Costa coffee and bite to eat, done the weekly shop, home to put everything away and in between dealt with emails. Can't believe it's almost 9pm already! Still got animals to feed and water including this wee sweetie who's called Doris.. She's got a funny wee nature and for some reason reminded me of Doris Day hence her name. Lol. She's been a little poorly the last few days so she's getting some extra special love just now to help her recover.

Tomorrow will be a more productive day craft wise so will be able to share some pics and hopefully my wee pal is coming for movie night and popcorn too.

Well I guess I best sign off now, tend to animals and then I'm going to get some base paint on a project I'm working on so it will be ready to decorate tomorrow. Hope you've all had a funky Friday and let's hope for a sparkly Saturday. Catch you all then.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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