Thursday 16 August 2012

Play time..

Morning all and it's a lovely day here again so hoping it lasts. Can cope with rain in the evenings then.

Thought I'd share a sneak peek of what I'm working on today.. Can't tell you all the details just yet so you'll have to be patient I'm afraid. Lol. Last night I done some cutting and sanding now I'm just getting ready to do some gluing, followed by a wee bit of housework, quick jump out to the shops then back here to start some painting of my sneaky peek.
This morning got off to a lovely start seeing all the kids heading off to school in their smart new school uniforms. Wee 4yr old heading off to primary 1, wee 5 and 8yr old (poor wee soul just turned 8 today) and the big 12yr old heading off for her 1st day at high school. They all looked lovely but I'm desperate to see just how smart they look by the time school comes out this afternoon. Lol.

Well it's time to sign off again as I've got a twisted muscle in my back so taking me slightly longer to get things done. What a pain as I'm not used to having to be careful how I move so need it better asap. Off to do my gluing now so toodles and hope you all have a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. well you have fun hun, look forward to seeing what your making xx
