Wednesday 15 August 2012

Basic babies..

Morning all hope you're off to a nice bright start today. We had lovely blue skies when I awoke this morning but it's clouding over as the day goes on so I'm hoping the rain stays away for a while as I've got the washing blowing on the line.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post anything new yesterday but there was so much going on and I am trying to get stuff organised for the holidays now too. This morning I thought I'd share some quick make baby cards.. All they await now is the baby's delivery details. Quick and easy and sell well as I only charge £1.25 for them so not bad for a handmade, personalised card.

Anyway, this morning started with the delivery of a big brown box filled with lots of yummy goodies for me to make samples with for the Perth trade show in a few weeks time. Loving the mixture of stash it contained and can't wait to get started. Most of the housework is done, fingers crossed for getting the washing dry, need to pop to supermarket for a few bits and bobs then it's home for some play time.

Well my coffee break is over so time to say toodles for now and get a shift on with the work. Catch you all later again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. hi hunny , wow your cards are sweet hunny , your soo lucky to get goodies :) look forward to seeing what you make xx

  2. What a gorgeous cards.

    Hugs Riet.xx
