Monday 20 August 2012

Bites and stings

Evening all and I actually can't believe it's this time of night already.. The day has gone so fast. Was painting from 10am till about 3pm. Then I sorted and packed orders ready for posting, done some housework oh and done a few loads of washing in between. Managed to get to Asda for 5pm and had to hunt for some cream as I was sporting 4 lovely bites on my right leg today.. That hot itchy feeling just wasn't cutting it for me today and Savlon wasn't doing a very good job calming them down. Thankfully I found this cream whilst at the market so soon as I came home the trousers were off and it was on.. Wow.. Was amazed at just how quickly it took the heat out of them and they've only now started to warm up again which is fine as you can apply it up to 3 times a day so another wee application can be done before bed. If you're a bit like me and seem to be classed as tasty food for the biting insects I would definitely recommend giving this cream a go.

Well I'm off to make myself a wee hot chocolate with marshmallows and relax watching some tv before bed. Haven't been in bed before 3am the last few nights so I'm going to try and do better tonight. Lol. Hope you've all had a fab day and I'll catch up with you tomorrow again (hopefully earlier in the day. Lol)

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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