Monday 13 August 2012

Kids sorted..

Evening all and what a buzzing day it's been here full of delights and smiles.. Don't you just love those kind of days.

Anyway, before I forget I thought I'd post a pic of one of the 1st day school cards I've been making.. Got them finished off last night but am waiting till Wednesday before I deliver them.

So what's on tonight's agenda.. a very special wee card for my friend to give to one of her other friends. It's one of those situations where it should have been a new baby card but the wee soul was so poorly he's been in hospital since he was born almost 2 months ago and has only just gotten home today so it's going to be a welcome home card instead.

Time to go work on a design I guess so will be back tomorrow again with another post.. I'm determined I'm going to get back to my daily blogging. Lol.

Happy crafting all

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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