Sunday 12 August 2012

Almost school time

Evening all and hope everyone's had a fab day. We started off with a nice wee rom com movie which we normally do on a Sunday. Next up we had a chap drop by to collect some gym equipment so helped load that in to his car then chilled again with some lunch. Watched a wee bit of the olympics while playing with some of these pieces and done some housework. Mid afternoon we popped out for a wee coffee along with some soup to tide us by then hubby dropped me at home whilst he went to the gym. We've just put the patio table and chairs away as there's rain forecast for the next few days, going to have dinner shortly and work on finishing off a few wee 'First Day' cards for 4 year olds starting primary.

Well folks that's been my day and hopefully yours has been as chilled and relaxed as mine.. Normality will return tomorrow as Monday morning dawns on us all. Lol.

Toodles for now

Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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