Saturday 11 August 2012

For a fairy..

OMG.. I cannot believe how long it's been since I last blogged. It's been one of those periods where I've been bogged down with wedding orders and such as well as normally every day events.

Anyway, I'm having to work on a few personal cards just now so am getting a chance to share with you again. This first one is for my friends little girl who will be turning 8 on Thursday.. She's not impressed right enough as it's also her 1st day back at school after the summer holidays. Then again it is her party today so there's a crowd of them going to the cinema then afterwards they're back to the house for a garden party. How sweet is that for an 8 year old.

I decided upon this image as it just reminded me so much of her (minus the wings of course) but she's such a dainty wee thing, the clothing is very similar to what she would wear and she arrived at my door last week with a bunch of flowers for me that she'd picked from her mums garden. Needless to say I had to add some wee butterflies too as a garden isn't complete without them.

So what's on the agenda today? Well, I'm clearing up around the house just now and aim to be in the garden within the next hour for some crafting in the sun. I've got a few more birthday cards to make and some 'starting school' cards too for a few of the neighbours kids who will be heading off to primary 1 on Thursday.

The next few weeks are going to be busy ones too. I've got an appt at the breast clinic on the 27th and can't wait as I hope they can find the problem and do something to help with the pain. Hubby has hospital again on the 28th. Looking forward to the Perth trade show on 2nd and 3rd of Sept where I'll be demonstrating for Jones Crafts of Nottingham. Sept 4th I'm heading off on holiday for a few weeks then 22nd and 23rd Sept I'm demonstrating at Craft World in Hillington. Finally on 27th Sept hubby is at hospital again. Hhmmm looks like most of Sept is organised eh! Lol.

Guess it's time to wrap up this posting, get the housework finished and transport the craft room to the back garden. Hope you're all having a super Saturday and are getting the opportunity to enjoy some sun.

Happy crafting!

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. hi hunny,
    wow your card is soo stunning i love your flowers :) .im sure the little girl will love it :) . i hope everythink goes ok for you at the hosp and your hubby :) huggs jo x

  2. Hello!!! Not been around for a while either!! Bad me!
    Great wee card, love the colours you've chosen, I'm sure she'll love it :)
    Hope all goes well with the clinic and with hubbys appt too.
    Hugs Alison x x

  3. What a gorgeous card.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  4. Gorgeous card, great colour scheme! Julie x
