Saturday 28 April 2012

Best neighbours..

Evening folks.. Boy do I have the best neighbours or what!!! A huge slab of cake delivered to the door today by my gorgeous wee pal Nicole. I'll return the goodwill tomorrow when I give them a slab of Herman. Lol

Not much been happening here today as we lazed about all morning, done some chores then went to the supermarket. Both Hermans have just been fed ready for the big baking day tomorrow and tonight I think I'll tackle a few samples whilst watching tv with dear old hubby.. Oh who may I add is tackling some Sourdough Bread tomorrow too. Can wait for the aroma in the kitchen.

Well I think I'll finish my coffee and toddle off to the kitchen and make myself some dinner before tackling the evening animal feeding routine then I can sit down for the rest of the night. Hope you've all had a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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