Friday 27 April 2012

Sample time..

Having taken some time off the last few weeks then doing wacky races last weekend with the Sincerely Yours shows in Edinburgh and Newcastle it's time to get back to some work again starting with samples for Kay Rutter from the new 'Wedding & Party Ideas' project book. Not that I told you but I've heard there's a show coming up on C&C in a few weeks time to share some ideas with you all.

Once these are done and out of the way it will be time to get organised for the big craft weekend event at Craft World in Hillington which is on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May so if you're in the area be sure to drop in. As always there will be a pile of demonstrators there for the weekend to share lots of hints, tips and techniques with you all.

Well.. Guess I better get the head down and on with work as idle hands make for mischief. Lol.

Toodles for now my lovelies and hope everyone's had as much sunshine as me today.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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