Sunday 29 April 2012

A day of aromas

Evening all.. I know it's a little late in the day but I've been a busy wee bee in the kitchen today.

This afternoon started with making 3 big Herman cakes.. 1 was sent over to our friends, 1 went to my mum for her & Eric and we kept the 3rd to munch on ourselves.

Throughout the afternoon and evening I was also working away on some sourdough.. My 1st ever attempt at making any kind of bread so had no idea what it was going to be like! Well after a lot of kneeding, 3 rises and then a division of the dough this is the end result of my hard work. Not perfect in colour or shape by any means but it sure does taste good.. Hubby stole the 1st part as being from the USA he knew exactly what the taste and texture should be like so once he gave it the thumbs up I got stuck in too. Lol. There was 4 in the beginning and now there's only 3!!! Quite proud of myself on my 1st attempt and will defo be making more in the future as can't wait to dunk it in some chicken noodle soup.

Well folks it's 10.30pm and I've still got some papers to cut ready for mounting on samples so I'm off to make myself a fresh cuppa and get back to my guillotine. Taking hubby to the hospital tomorrow so we've got a nice 2 hour drive there and another back again so hoping the weather's nice and we can enjoy the scenery.

Toodles for now and happy crafting all.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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