Tuesday 8 November 2011

My Timmy Tote

Morning all and I'm pleased to say I'm feeling a little more refreshed today.. Fell asleep somewhere around 10pm and slept right through till 9am!!! Going to take it somewhat easy today again, another good sleep tonight and we should be full steam ahead as of tomorrow.

Today is beginning by catching up on Kirstie's handmade britain then I'll do the whole shower thing. Lol. Should be going to ceramics then from 12 till 3pm which will be nice and relaxing and the only other thing I plan on doing today is a wee tidy around the house and having the washing machine going non stop. Tomorrow I'll tackle the house from top to bottom and the ironing but least said about that the better. Lol

Wow.. What a hard decision it was trying to choose which Timmy tote I wanted to bring home with me and in the end the decision was made for me.. I had been humming and hawwing trying to make the decision and one night after the show closed Gaynor gave me the most wonderful surprise.. She had made the decision for me and she gave me this wonderful tote as a gift from her to me.. I was so touched that words really did fail me. Now it's going to be travelling all over as I set about the job of showing it off to everyone no doubt beginning today with the ceramics group. Lol

So, I'm afraid I must sign off as my coffee cup is empty and Kirstie is calling for me too!! Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. woo hoo I got the ticket one and love it. Here in Bda with me and going to Miami tomorrow... fly the Timmy flag I say xx

  2. Love the bag, been trying to decide which one is for me and I cant..... sounds like it was fab weekend, hard work but worth it..... x
