Wednesday 9 November 2011

NEC goodies..

Morning all.. Well you know how I said that it was so busy at the NEC I didn't get time to shop for any goodies.. Here's the proof in the pudding.

What you see in the picture is all the goodies I came home with!!!

Thank goodness I had the Artful Splodger on the stand next to us, so late on Sunday afternoon I was able to stick my head round the corner and grab a couple of bits and bobs.. Not many but at least I didn't come home completely empty handed. Lol

Well I'm trying to decide what's on today's agenda.. Got a few things I need to do like the washing, shopping etc and may even treat myself to a little bit of crafting in front of the tv as I'm still catching up with everything that was taped during my absence. Hope you all have a wonderful day too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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