Monday 7 November 2011

My treat

Well good morning all on this lovely bright blue skied but very chilly day. We finally got home around 6.30am, I've had a wee nap for an hour, a chat with hubby before he left for work and now I'm planning on channel flicking the tv all day. Lol

It was an incredibly busy show at the NEC and I honestly didn't have the time to get any shopping done but I did manage to grab this gorgeous new jacket. Every morning when I entered the hall I saw it but never had time to pop by to buy it, then yesterday morning the stand holder walked through the door right in front of me so I nabbed him right away. Lol. A quick try on of the garment and in a bag it went. So glad I managed to catch him too as I got the very last size small that he had.

I did manage to grab a couple of bits from the stand next to us and Gaynor gave me a lovely pressie too so will upload pics of them later.. Right now I'm off to boil the kettle again as my body is in serious need of caffeine.

Toodles for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow lorraine thats gorgeous I can totally see you wearing it! Glad you got home safe xx
