Saturday 26 March 2011

I'm crafting..

Ok folks.. Time to bring out the banners I think as this is the first I've managed any craft in about a week.. Lol

Have just stamped my brand new cutie.. 'Best Witches' from Sugar Nellie.. Isn't she adorable.. Oh and slightly naughty looking too.. Think that was part of the appeal to me.. Well that and the fact she's a wee Sugar Nellie which I so adore.

Going to do some water colour on her and she'll probably get mounted on a card tomorrow as I want to try and get a few things done tonight.. Well.. Need to make up for lost time..

So, will bid you a fond farewell for the moment and will hopefully be back later again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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