Sunday 27 March 2011

What a witch..

Morning all.. Hope it's been a good weekend so far and that you all remembered to put your clocks forward.

Well I finally managed to do a couple of things last night in addition to chatting to one of my MIL's in California.. Incase anyone asks.. 1 is a birth mother, the other is a step mother.. That's how I have 2 MIL's... Lol.

This is my new Sugar Nellie stamp which I adore.. And isn't she just a cutie.. She's gonna be used a lot around here.. That I know for sure.
I wanted something nice and bright this time but she'd be equally as pretty in grungy halloween colours.

Hope to get her mounted on a card later today but first up need to do some errands and will finish the painting whilst Rob is at the gym.. Well it's one less obstacle to move out my way.. Lol.

In the meantime.. Have a wonderful Sunday and I'll catch up with you all later again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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