Friday 25 March 2011


Evening all.. Well Sara at Crafters Companion has just posted some pics on facebook tonight that were taken today at the NEC.

I was so surprised at just how empty the aisles are this time.. And I feel so sorry for the traders if that's what it's like for the 4 days.

Most retailers pay thousands of pounds to be at the show as they have to pay the cost of their stands, demonstrators, hotels, food etc. Sadly if there are not enough consumers to cover these costs what is the long term result.. Basically.. The retailers will no longer be able to afford to attend these shows which means the shows will dwindle and fade and before we know it they will be few and far between.

If as many of us as possible can attend our local show even just to buy a few essentials or perhaps 1 treat.. This may be enough to help build numbers back to what they used to be.. We all like to shop online I know.. I do the same myself.. But sometimes it's much better to see a product in action before buying and there is also the advantage of seeing exactly what you are getting for your money.. It's not the first time I've ordered something online and been disappointed with the quality when it arrives.

So please, if you can, attend at least one show this year and help to keep our craft retailers visiting our areas.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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