Wednesday 5 January 2011

Plans are underway

Well Brianna doesn't do anything by half and plans for her wedding day are well and truly on the go now... She's on a roll.. Lol.

Date set.. Saturday 26th October 2013.. Marriage will be conducted in Glasgow University Chapel.. Options are being looked at for the reception venue.. Can't disclose them I'm afraid.. Lol.. She has a pretty good idea what style her dress will be, the colour combo of the day etc.. She also has to check on her marriage bands as she's a dual citizen so not sure if she needs to provide additional paperwork etc.. We had a real time of it when we got married because Rob is still an American citizen.. Still remember the nightmare.. Lol..

Now with doing all this wedding stuff again, pricing plans etc it's made me look back at my weddings and the costs involved.. First one cost a fortune.. Won't go into that as it's in the past.. The good, the bad and the ugly.. Lol.. Our wedding though was a very small affair with only 17 people there and believe it or not that still cost around 4K.. Shocking isn't it..

So.. Can you remember how much your big day cost you??? If you do.. I'd love to hear just how much you were drained of and what year you got married.. I love wedding talk and would love to hear about yours...

Off to pull the ironing board out now.. Not done any since before christmas so the pile is rather on the big side :(

Come on.. Share your wedding story with me.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. not alot, we didn't tell anyone lol - just went and did it with two friends as our witnesses.
    Don't regret doing it that way either:)
    Anne x

  2. Ours cost us £35!
    Already had holiday booked and decided to get it done whilst we were a Maltese wedding certificate cost £35 11 years ago! Wonder what it is now...must check!
    Don't regret doing it that way either, like Anne, I the day I wanted!
    Oh...even went to the registry office on the bus, as the taxis were on strike that day!!!
    Have a feeling Brianna might want a limo though...

    G x

  3. Our wedding cost just over £4000 in 2005. We had a beautiful day - turned out to be the hottest May day on record! We had beautiful surroundings in Kent overlooking the Weald of Kent and a lovely deer park. We had afternoon tea and champagne in the gardens. And all we had was a very low budget. It can be done!!!! Good luck!

  4. Haven't a clue what ours cost but do know it is our Silver Wedding this year in October so more expense.... la la la where did the time go I ask? xx

  5. Aww so glad she is organised much better than not being.
    My wedding was in 1995 and it cost us the price of a license which I think was about £40, it may of been less. There was myself, my now husband, my parents and his parents total. We had a meal afterwards paid for by my parents and one night away for honeymoon in a plush hotel paid for by my now in laws. It was totally my choice to do it this way and I have never regretted it because I just could not face walking down that aisle lol.
    Kim xXx

  6. I think we were about 3K for Kirstins but remember I did nearly everything, the flowers were done by my MIL the car was a friends the photographer was my son. I made my own fascinator (had to get that in lol) Being on an island helped as we booked the town hall and i transformed it yes transformed it... peeps are still going on about it lol. Its amazing what you can do with fairy lights, organza runners etc.

    My cousin was married in August at Uni then had reception here

    it was stunning location!

    Ali x
