Tuesday 4 January 2011

New year.. New start..

Well the holiday period is almost over.. Schools go back tomorrow and hubby will be back at work too.. Time for me to get the washing & ironing back up to date.. Then Thursday, Friday I will spend cleaning out the craft room.. That's where everything got tossed over the festive season.. Out of sight and all that.. Lol..

I'm sure I'll manage to fit in a little crafting over the next few days and will be in full functioning mode next week.. Question is.. What to start with.. Not quite sure what the answer is to that one yet myself.

Is anyone planning on trying out any new crafts this year??? If so what are they?

Well.. Off to sort a few things for the morning.. Catch up with you all tomorrow.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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1 comment:

  1. Like yours my craft room was a dumping room for everything over the festivities - mine is still a bomb site from before hand too!
    Got all the decs down yesterday and they are in the process of going up to the loft so guess where they got dumped last night - yep in my craft room. spanning over boxes and boxes to find what i wanted, i gave up! jim better get it all up in the loft tonight as i NEED to tidy up.
    Good luck with your tidy up plans.
