Thursday 6 January 2011

Hougie the day away

Now I know that many of you love your Hougie Board every bit as much as I do.. Oh and we love Kay too.. Always smiling and laughing.

Well... 4pm this afternoon on Create and Craft.. Kay will be in action once again with our beloved green board... Yippee...

Either make yourself a nice cuppa, accompanied by a biscuit or two of course, sit back, relax and enjoy... Or set your machine to record and enjoy at your leisure later on.

Right, off for a quick run around with the duster and hoover.. A few letters I need to deal with and I really need to squeeze in some crafting later.. Cleaning the craft room can wait till tomorrow.. Lol.

Toodles for now

Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine, thanks for the reminder. Watched the programme and, as usual, came away impressed at what you can do with the Hougie Board. Liked the matting and layering tips using the ruler too. Elizabeth x
