Wednesday 16 June 2010

Sucker of a day....

Why oh why is it that we all look upon death as doom & gloom... why can we not learn to look upon it as a celebration of the life that our loved ones once lived... that would make things so much easier I think...
Thankfully it was a beautiful morning so once I dropped Rob off at the office, I popped in and bought some lovely fresh flowers and headed straight to the cemetary... first up, stopped at my dads.. a polish of the stone as the grass had just been cut.. ditched the old flowers and put in the new... next on to my brothers... same there again but seeing as it's his anniversary I had a few wee words with him... finally over to my friends wee boy... gave him some beautiful white carnations.
Housework got done eventually... it was interupted by my friend as she wanted me to pop to the shops with her and then we sat out her back garden basking in the sun for a wee hour or two... lol... a bit of lazyitis I think... now I'm trying to rummage up enough effort to finish off the craft room... there's not really that much left to do but I just don't have the motivation today.. will keep pushing ahead though and worst coming to worst... it can wait till tomorrow.
Catch you all later when the sun will hopefully still be shining... hope you're all enjoying it like me.
Lorraine xxx

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