Thursday 17 June 2010

Climb any mountain...

Morning folks... apologies for the 'blue' postings yesterday... just one of those days... today is a different story though... up and getting organised ready to start the day... just need to decide what order to do everything in... lol.
Didn't manage to make anything yesterday, so thought I'd share a wee holiday pic with you instead... this one was taken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs a few years back when we visited for my brother in laws wedding... this is a truly amazing place to visit and unless you're there in person it's hard to grasp just how tall these rocks are... out of all the rocks and pictures we took, this is my favourite... something to do with the shape and the way that it's stretching towards to sky.
Needless to say the craft room didn't get finished yesterday... I did try but think I just shuffled things around for an hour or so without achieving anything so need to get that done and dusted today.. got a wee meeting to attend and the supermarket sweep for a few wee bits and bobs.
Well the sooner I get started, the more I will achieve, so off to get myself in action and I'll catch you all later on again... perhaps with another wee pic or two.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
P.s. Thank you Emma for yesterday xxx

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