Wednesday 16 June 2010

Taking it easy

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day... Words from a song my daddy used to sing to me all the time and the words just seemed so apt this morning... That's exactly what Smithy is thinking just now as he lies soaking up the morning glory.

I'm glad it's such a nice day as it's my brothers anniversary (7 years now) so need to pop down the cemetery with mum. Whilst there I promised my friend I'd send a balloon up to the sky in memory of her wee boy who was only 7 days old when he passed away... An angel taken to heaven.

Well, off to get dressed now & run hubby to work... His car went into the garage yesterday & hopefully he will get it back today then we'll be back to business as usual with 2 functioning cars... Yippee.

Ok, time to say toodles for now & catch you all later.

Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. miss you sweetie are you at the nec in november?
