Tuesday 11 May 2010

Sugar Nellie Goody Bag 2010

OMG... feeling the need for a little boost earlier on today, I decided to treat myself to some new stamps... hmmm... what to choose... Sugar Nellie me thought as they always bring a smile to my face... off to the Funky Kits website I wandered to make the tough decision on what to buy... now some wee Penny Blacks just happened to fall into my basket whilst I was perusing the shelves and then I stumbled upon this....
Goody Bag 2010..... wait for this....
4 Sugar Nellie stamps plus a small selection of accessories...
That means that each stamp is only working out to be £2.49. Well that's a great bargain but I just thought this was the perfect pick me up today... buy a bag and then have to wait for Mr Postie to deliver before I actually know what I've got... make the treat to myself just that little bit better.
If you love Sugar Nellie, need to build your collection or have never tried them but would love to... this is the perfect purchase for anyone. Now all I have to do is wait for Mr Postie to arrive... lol
Nighty night
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh I got mine already - fab selection of Sn stamps in the goody bag
