Tuesday 11 May 2010

A wee change..

Mroning folks... hope you've all got a little bit of sunshine this morning like I have... doesn't it so help to cheer you up when you awake to sun instead of rain. I was especially glad to see it this morning as this my Dad's Anniversary today... can't believe it's been 13 years since I last seen him and I still miss him every bit as much today as I did at the time when I lost him... Needless to say, you can probably guess what's on my agenda today... a trip down the cemetary, some lovely bright flowers and wee clean of his stone. Thankfully he's in a lovely bit of the cemetary and on a pleasant day like today it's a little sunny bit. I am one of those people right enough who enjoys spending time there as I always find it very peaceful and tranquil and a great place to go if I need to clear my head a bit.

Anyway, didn't much feel like a lot of crafting yesterday so I decided to make a wee start on my new book that I picked up at the weekend... I think these are such a bargain at only £2.99 from my local garden centre, fab little chipboard books by Papermania. Great for inking etc but I decided that I'm going down the paper route so out came a paper pad, glue, craft knife and pokey tool.

Just what the doctor ordered for a nice bit of crafting when I didn't really feel like it... undone the book rings and then worked my way through the pages. Placed one of my pages down flat, covered in glue then simply layered on my paper. Placed to the side and moved on to the next one. By the time I had finished papering the pages I was able to go back to the first one and start trimming up... also used my pokey tool to pierce through the holes. I did only do one side last night right enough so if the sun keeps up for another few hours, think I'll have to retire to the garden this afternoon and get the other side done... only got one problem at the moment... not quite sure if I'm going to use it for pictures or just some coloured images... guess that only time will tell on that front... lol

Well, off now to get myself organised, down to the supermarket then on to the cemetary before heading back home for some me time....

Toodles for now and catch you all later.

Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today lovey.

    My Mum passed away 5 years ago and on her birthday, or anniversary of her going and the sun is shining, I always think it is her smiling down on me.

    Your Dad will be smiling down on you today.

    Love the papers you used in the book - can't wait to see what you do next.

    Georgie xx
