Thursday 13 May 2010

I cannot believe it...

Now can you guess by this wonderful picture why I'm so happy today... oh yes... I was the lucky winner of the gorgeous goodies that the very talented Bev was giving away on Tuesday.
Apart from my early morning browse yesterday I wasn't near the computer for the rest of the day... too busy sorting out cakes and presents as it's darling hubby's birthday today... so in the wee early hours of this morning I was having another nosey around blogland when I noticed I had won.
I'm so excited and can't wait for my goodies to arrive.. bet my finished card still doesn't look anything near as good as Bev's though... lol...
Will pop back later with a picture of hubby's card & might even share with you all the gorgeous stamps that arrived in my goody bag from Funky Kits.
Off to check on my workies now... my cooker burnt out so have had to replace it and fortunately it's being installed today, otherwise, I was going to have to bake my cake in a neighbours oven... lol.
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx


  1. Congrats Lorraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats on winning these lovely goodies.

    I'm off to make an anniversary card for my husband....for today. Didn't forget, just didn't have time! Couldn't forget as we got married on my birthday lol! Happy birthday to your hubby too.

    Kat xx

  3. Congrats :) It's a sweet little kit to play with
    hugs Nikki C

  4. Congratulations and enjoy your new goodies.
    Kim xXx
