Thursday 13 May 2010

A card for Rob...

Now I was a bit short of time for making a card for my dear hubby's birthday so thought I'd use my digital scrapbooker to help speed things up a little... thankfully they have an American theme (which is free to download) and they have one basic page all made up ready for you to just add a picture.
Well I used the original page layout but I adjusted the layout a little and added a few more things... then what picture to use... this one is just perfect for him believe it or not... The house in the background, well what you can see of it anyway, is the one that Rob grew up in and his father & step mum still live there, so now you all know where I reside when we take trips to America... and the truck... well... Rob's dad bought this truck new in the 1960's and just wouldn't part with it until approx 3 years ago... it was like his 3rd son and was nicknamed 'Big Blue'. Everyone in the family loved this big truck (including me) and we were all very sad when the day came to finally bid it a fond farewell... life moves on though I suppose, but we still have our pictures and memories of this big beast.
Right, time to go eat some pizza & cake now...
Catch you all later.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful card filled with such fond memories, a real keepsake.
    Kim xXx
