Thursday 13 May 2010


My daddy has had a fab birthday today, loved his presents and we had visitors tonight... Banners, streamers, balloons... Oh it's just all too much for a wee kitty like me so I'm very much in need of a nice nap on the sofa. In the meantime, mummy is trying to post this message via her mobile so I sure hope it works then you can all see my wee worn out body...

Big purrs (and snores)
Smithy Cat xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. You have the right idea Smithy, leave them all to the partying and have a nap! xxx

  2. What a treasure you are my little kity friend. Be good to Mummy now and give her a big cuddle from Auntie Cynthia in Bermuda!!!!!
    love, cuddles and purrs Cynthia xx
