Sunday 28 March 2010

I'm heading home now....

Well.... by the time this post is appearing I'll hopefully be on the plane waiting for take off... scheduled departure is 18.10pm...
Let's hope you are reading this which means that Mr Blogger has been very kind to me over the last 5 days... if he has... thank you Mr Blogger.
This is another of my semi tidied areas which requires just a little more organisational work and it will be up & running as a fully functioning work space.

Now this here is where I keep all of my card, papers, scraps etc... they are super strong boxes which just slide in and out for ease of use... love them so I do...
Now the next posting you get from me will be tomorrow and will be a personal one from me direct whilst sat in front of my much beloved computer and keyboard... oh it will be good to be back home no doubt.
Till tomorrow.... happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx

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