Sunday 28 March 2010

Mother In Laws birthday

Now I'm one of those people who has 2 mother in laws... and it is one of their birthday's this coming Tuesday... being short of time lately I had to come up with something quick and simple... and this was the final outcome.
Base card from Craftwork Cards along with the papers which I punched with a Fiskars squeeze punch, sentiment & candy. Flowers are Prima and gorgeous buttons were purchased from Hobby House.

A little close up off one of the flowers just so you can see for yourself just how pretty they really are.
Hmmm.... wonder how my old feet are holding up just now... last day on the job... lol
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. What a great quick card Lorraine. Love it and those buttons are great. Looking forward to hearing about the NEC!

    Kat xx

  2. What a pretty card lorraine..and the flowers are delish.. it was so nice to meet you at the NEC on saturday.. :o)
    Hugs Michelle Xx
