Tuesday 30 March 2010

Sleepy old me...

Morning all... (well just, seeing as it is almost lunch time... lol), naughty me had a little bit of a lie in today and then my friend popped round for coffee so I'm still in pj's at the moment...
Anyway, I'm now running behind & so badly need to get in the shower, organised & out the door... unfortunately the cupboards here are a little bit on the empty side so I'm making a quick trip to Asda for the essentials then I'll do an online order with Tesco later so it's delivered direct to the door tomorrow.
After four days standing at the NEC my legs are a little on the sore side but hopefully by tomorrow those too will be back to normal... got a few things to share but in the meantime I've got food to buy & invoices to sort so best get them done so we can eat & I can get paid... no money no food... lol...
I'll go as quick as I can to get all the boring stuff out of the road as I still have my step daughters birthday card to make (she was 21 yesterday), but being of that age she's celebrating with her friends so we're not seeing her until Thursday... Phew thank goodness for that else her card really would have been thrown together... lol
Will try & pop back again this afternoon, but at the latest, some time this evening.
So glad to be back in blog land again...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
P.s. huge thanks to all those who came & said hi to me on the Fiskars stand over the four days. It was so lovely to actually get the opportunity to speak to you in person. Love you all. x

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