Sunday 24 January 2010


Here's a little card I made... very simplistic in design but at the same time quite pretty I think because it is so uncluttered.
I had bought a goodie bag from Craftworks Cards at the SECC and the majority of it was christmas related.. there were however some little elements that weren't and that's what I've gone with here.
Scalloped base card, yummy, then I slightly inked the edges of a piece of pretty paper (sorry you can't see the inking in the picture) and attached this to my base card. Next I took one of the image tags and coloured using Bruynzeel water colour pencils. Made the flowers on the owl blue, to match with the background paper & added some Papermania shimmer dots for the eyes so they have a 3D effect. The tag was then layered onto the base card using silicone for a slightly raised effect. Finally I attached 2 brown glitter flowers ( used brown ones to they coordinated with the brown of the owls) and in the centre of the flowers I used some more Papermania shimmer dots... Not sure if you can see them if you zoom in on the picture.
Now... thought I would briefly share my continuing good news with you all.... oh yes... you will know that I am the luckiest person on earth over the last few months... (NOT)... and here's what happened yesterday.
I got a lovely new red vase from homebase to sit on my living room window... brighten the place up and that you know without spending a fortune... (£9.99)... then popped to Asda for a few essentials and then was heading up to the gym to collect my hubby for us both to come home. Well... I encountered several problems with another vehicle (he kept cutting me up)... then finally upon approach to a roundabout he done it again... this time slamming his brakes on!!! Fortunately, I was able to swerve into the opposite lane & get around him safely... but had to cut back in front of him in order that I could continue on my route... Around the roundabout I went and as I was coming off of the roundabout he came right up the side of me, sliced me up again and slammed the anchors on.... this time he did not leave me enough space to swerve as I had a barrier on one side and oncoming traffic on the other... right into the back of him I went... Oh yes... before I had actually hit him... he was jumping out of the car along with his wife & son... Don't really think there was any requirement for a 3 against 1 gang up but hey ho... that's what happens with scum I guess. Well, they then start throwing accusations around.. (think he forgot he slammed his brakes, or not), and fortunately some guys came out of the pub across the way and were watching the whole event. These people were so aggressive in nature that the guys actually crossed the road and stood next to me, I guess they had the same thoughts as me in relation to their mannerism. Well I called direct enquiries to be put through to the local police station & asked the man to remain calm & wait on them arriving. I also informed him that there was a camera right on the corner that would have captured the whole incident so I had nothing to hide... to cut a long story short... after a whole load of verbal abuse, fingers in my face etc, the man quickly jumped in his car and left the scene!!! Must admit right enough, I did tell him I thought he was simply trying nothing more than an insurance scam but that the video evidence would show he was at fault... Just to keep myself in the clear I went to the police station and reported the accident, gave them the registration etc. Needless to say my neck & back were a little tender last night, though I'm not quite sure if that was due to the impact or the tension.
Why oh why do we have such ******** driving on our roads...
Well for the rest of the day I will be in Rob's office as after the fire, the stained glass windows need to be replaced as they were blown out by the heat. For health and safety reasons they can only do the work on a Sunday so we need to go sit in the office for a few hours while they do the preparatory work, then they are scheduled to come back next Sunday and install the glass itself. Yes, this sounds like a very boring afternoon, but I'm hoping that if Rob doesn't draw me into helping him with some paperwork, that I may infact get time to do some blog hopping.... that would be awesome as I haven't had time to visit anyone for weeks.
Happy crafting


  1. A beautiful card I love the colours and the simplicity of it.
    Can't believe what happened with the car must have been horrible. I hope your own car was not badly damaged ... and the vase made it home in one piece!

    Hugs Carol Ann xx

  2. I love this card, these owls are so cute! What a horrible experience with your car. Some people are such nutters. I used to find that when we had a Discovery and a Fiat uno people seemed to hate you. I think they hated the Disco cos they thought you were post and the uno cos they thought it was rubbish. I remember pulling out to overtake a slow car which immediately speeded up, I just thought stuff you if you want to be a prat and just pulled in again. No way was I going to be dragged into that type of scenario.

    Meant to say about your OU essay I can totally identify with you there. I did my last course in 1999 but I can still vividly remember the stress and the re-writing etc!!

    Kat xx

  3. Gorgeous card - I love the colours, they work so well together and I am a big fan of the little gems.

    What a horrible thing to happen to you, you poor thing, having to deal with scum like that. Good on the chaps from the pub to come over - there are still some decent people around.

    Hope you haven't got any more damage to your poor back and neck - it's you who should be putting in a claim again him - pillock!

  4. Ohhh Lorraine,what a beautiful card,i love your image and the papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. OMG honey this is dispickable, these people shouldn't be allowed to drive. You must be so shaken. You taken care of yourself. Smashing card too honey, love it.

  6. I love the card. What awful people, and how scary that must have been.
    What fire?
    Cazzy x
