Monday 25 January 2010

Last nights phone call.....

Good morning everyone... I did manage to visit some of you yesterday and I will continue to do my best to keep getting round you all over the coming days... it was so lovely catching up with all the gorgeous creations you've been making. Thank you also for those who left me lovely messages relating to my accident.... much appreciated as it really did shake me up xxx to you all.
Well, we were just in the door yesterday when the phone rang and it was one of my best friends (the one who adopted a little girl)... well she's back up her for a visit and her uncle is really ill with his health rapidly deteriorating. Now his 21 year old daughter is engaged but they had no plans in place for a wedding but due to her fathers' health they are now trying to arrange their wedding for June... poor lass is everywhere as her primary concern is that her Dad is there on her wedding day... understandable.
Today's task is to try and come up with a design for her wedding stationery... which has to be made as cheaply as possible as they have no real money saved for the wedding... thinking cap has to be well and truly on today as I would like her to have something that she really likes and looks good, even if done on the cheap... keep fingers crossed for me...
Right, guess I better get on with the housework now, washing machine on etc so that I have plenty time this afternoon... (Gail also coming for a wee visit with the baby).
Back soon...
Lorraine xxx


  1. OMG has Gayle had the baby?? or are you meaning the bump lol.

  2. Hi, I read your post about trying to come up with a cheap way to do a wedding invite. I did mine and it was very very inexpensive. I had a small wedding in my parents back yard and there was about 40 people invited. Total cost for the card worked out to less then $1.00 a card. Also seeing as it was in the back yard I put my parents number down in the bottom corner instead of an RSVP card, you can also do that with an e-mail address set up to take responses. The wording itself can be done on the computer and printed off on normal white paper or card stock.
    I don't know if you are interested but here is a link to mine that I made to our wedding.


  3. Hi Lorraine lets hope this year starts getting better for you soon. Hope you are not too sore now from the accident.
    As for the wedding I am sure you will come up with something beautiful you ususally do, good luck and hope you enjoyed your time with Gail and the little one.
    Kim xXx
