Friday 22 January 2010

Positive & Negative....

What a last few days it's been here in this mad house I call home..... lol
The positive outcome of it all is that I have finally managed to complete and submit my essay... yippee.... based on the positive and negative effects that our social environment can create on us. See where my title comes form now.... oh yes I have gone well and truly mad over the last few days... too much brain power being used up I think...
Sadly I also encountered a negative.... my poor wee guinea pig Gru passed away just after 12.30am on Thursday morning... he was about 7 years old and had been born with a respiratory problem so he had done well to make it to such a good age. Very sad indeed but hopefully he can breathe freely now in piggy heaven.
Well, I've decided that once I have done the necessary chores for the day I am taking the rest of the day off to relax.... and what do I have planned to help chill me out.... hmmm me thinks it will have to be some crafting.... major withdrawl symptoms are being encountered and need remedied asap....
Will pop back later to upload my new creation.
Happy crafting to one and all.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Poor piggy, gone to piggy heaven for sure.

    Aren't you a clever thing, wow. Long words and all that stuff!

    Cazzy x

  2. Happy new yaer hun xxx
    so soory to hear about your guinea pig xxxx realy sad xxx
    send you hugs xxx
    do hope you are ok
    hugs Dawnxxx
