Friday 18 September 2009

Spending & Scrubbing....

Sorry I haven't posted anything since Wednesday... but yesterday I had some running around to do but I also popped in to Crafts at Home in Blantyre to pick up some goodies & whilst I was there I also met with Alison & Sue as well as some of the other ladies who go to their craft group.
Some pounds later I left the shop & joined the girls for a wee cuppa coffee & a chat which was lovely & a nice pleasant change for me.. might very well need to do it more often.
Today I am at home waiting on a delivery to arrive so am using my time to get some Autumn cleaning done... oh yes the light shades etc are being scrubbed along with skirting boards & doors... I know I curse housework like most other people.. but I do have to admit it is very soul cleansing once the job is complete & you see everything gleaming.
Perhaps tonight I will come up with a little something... we'll see...
Hope you're all having a good

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