Wednesday 16 September 2009


Okay dokey folks... here goes with today's challenge card... this time it's for GET FUNKY....
True to form Anice has set us yet another fantastic challenge this month with the theme being to make a creation (card, atc etc) for a boy...
No problem I thought as I immediately had an idea spring mind so off I went to the computer & threw in my Funky Daze CD... clicked on boy word book & printed off the letters I needed... again in true Anice fashion no time wasting involved as it was simply a case of click & print.
Once my letters were printed I cut them out & highlighted the brown with a Clear Sakura Stardust Pen & added some Card Candy which I also highlighted with the pen.
Next up, stamped my Sk8 boy image by Dimension Fourth & water coloured using Sakura Metallic Pens. Used several images which I then layered up for added depth.
Finally to attach the whole book together I puched 3 holes down the side & tied some hand spun string through the holes... this also gave some additional colour & texture to my word book.

A wee close up of my boy all layered up.
Word Book : Funky Daze CD - Funky Hand
Card Candy : Craftwork Cards
Sakura Metallic & Stardust Pens : Markingworld
Hand Spun String : Ebay
Off to enter the challenge now & see what I can find to work on tonight...back with you all tomorrow with yet another card...
Happy crafting


  1. fabby boy book and I love that super cute little dude..thanks for joining in the fun with the Get Funky Gang this month....hugs kath xxxxx

  2. Oh fabby creation Lorraine, he is a cutie. Thanks for linky poo.

  3. You can thank Ruth for this months great Get Funky! challenge..I just joined in like everyone else this month!! Fab word book Lorraine and you little skater boy finished it off perfectly. Thanks very much for joining in with us again and sharing such a great card.
    Anice xx

  4. What a Funky boi he is. Great card Lorraine!

  5. Fabby stuff Lorriane, it's brilliant
    Anne x

  6. Cool Dude!! Brilliant Lorraine, what little boy wouldn't love to have this card on their Birthday
    Thanks for joining us at Get Funky this time...Take Care

    Carol x

  7. Wow, how cool is this? I love it.
    Clare xx

  8. I love this little book. Came for a nosy cos Kath mentioned that you would have been demonstrating at the SECC together. Really disappointed that Fiskars have cancelled cos I was looking forward to saying hello to Kath.

    Kat x

  9. awww, this image is so cute and your project is adorable!

  10. oooh that's fab Lorraine, thanks for playing along this week and good luck
    Enjoyed the wee natter last week

  11. This is just fab Lorraine, thanks for joining in the fun at Get Funky! :)x

  12. Hi Lorraine, what a fab word book!! I love the colours and the little dude on the front keep up the great work! Sal xx

  13. Glad you liked my challenge this month! Word books are just so easy to use and like you say, click and print! The hardest bit is choosing which collection. Or cd. Or download!! Thanks for entering the Get Funky! Challenge – hope you can join us again next month! Get Funky!
