Sunday 20 September 2009

Almost There...

Yesterday we were busy cleaning animals, doing the weekly shop, visiting the local DIY store etc and then last night my step daughter & her boyfriend came over for a visit... alas I had to wait to the house was quiet last night before I could get anything crafty done... On Friday night I got some images stamped & coloured... but didn't have time to make them up yesterday.. then last night the old brain wouldn't function enough to create... so done some more stamping & colouring... thus, I now have enough ready for to make 3 cards which I hope to get put together later on... keep your fingers crossed for me.
Also got loads of car problems at the moment... Rob's car was in for an MOT on Friday & they pulled up some major work relating to his suspension column... basically if we were travelling at anything kind of 40mph or above & the suspension snapped then we could well have lost a tyre & been involved in a very serious accident... what's worse is that it was only serviced in July & according to the paperwork.. this work was carried out under warranty then... Numerous phone calls later & the Chrysler dealer who carried out the service say there was a breakdown in communication & the work was not infact carried out... thus the car has to be fixed under warranty now on Friday coming... hubby & I will have to share my wee Aygo for the next few days to be on the safe side....
In addition to that.. when Brianna left last night I noticed a huge pool of water on the driveway.. Rob done the sniff test & it doesn't appear to smell of anti freeze & it's not oil... so she seems to be leaking water from her engine somewhere... needless to say she got an emergency phone call last night to tell her to get the car back over here today so we can check it out...
She did say she topped up her windscreen bottle yesterday... so we're hoping that perhaps she just overfilled it & then there will be nothing to worry about...
Also hoping to make it to The Fort today for a nosey around the shops & to pop into Hobbycraft... I checked out the Penny Black challenge & this week it's lace & pearls... what do I not have... lace... what an excuse to go shopping eh.... lol
Right I'm off now in the hopes that I get back later on with something that is actually complete...
Heaps of hugs in the meantime

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment! My weekend has basically gone the same way!
