Sunday 3 May 2009

Sunday go slow...

Would you believe that I am only now getting into moving mode... and it's almost 1pm...
Must admit though that is mostly due to the fact that it's craft day on QVC & I've been sat in my pj's chilling out, watching all the delicious deals on offer... so wish I had won the lottery then I could have everything I want... instead of that, I can only window shop at the moment as I have a strict no spend policy at the moment & I am so sticking to it... can't believe just how much is in my craft room at the moment & I am so determined that I am going to use it all up.
Now that I've managed to peel myself away to have my shower, get dressed & boot up the computer I may well be watching QVC now in my craft room else there is no chance of me getting anything made today.
Hope you're all having a fabby day.
Love & Hugs


  1. Oh thanks for reminding us of QVC off to put my PJ's on now and watch it lol. Enjoy your day. Donna x

  2. Me too , been watching all day lolxxx just peeled my self a way for a blog hop ,xxx

    hope you are ok ,hugs Dawnxxx
