Saturday 2 May 2009

Penny Black Challenge

Golly gosh I so cannot remember how long it has been since I last managed to join in with the Penny Black challenge but it sure seems like a lifetime ago. Not to worry though as I've now managed this week.

This weeks challenge is to use 3 shapes on your card... not including the card itself... oh boy what was I going to do.. it's been so long that the mind went into overdrive. Finally I just decided to get stuck in & have a good old play with stuff rather than having any firm plan in place.
I decided to go with an 8 x 8 card this week so cut 2 squares and scored down on of the pieces to obtain an opening position for the card. Next I glue the 2 edges together & once dry used my crop-a-dile to insert 2 eyelets to thread my ribbon through. Then took a piece of 8 x 8 paper & trimmed along the floral design & attached to my card. Next up too my Fiskars shape template & cut out my image & a further 2 circles which were then matted & layered and some doodling was added using a Sakura white glaze pen & a Pigma Micron pen. Then I created a banner to say "hello" and a "U" where I used a Souffle pen to add dots and a little "Hugs" sentiment on top. To finish it all off I used a Fiskars pop up puch to create some little flowers, attached these using a Sakura quickie glue pen & added black gems for the centres. Once the card was complete I then threaded my ribbon through & tied in a bow.

So my 3 chosen shapes on my card are the circles.. triangles... and finally my rectangle for my "hugs" sentiment.
Papers : Dovecraft Kate Knight "Amethyst"
Image & "Hugs" sentiment : Penny Black "Hugs" collection
Chipboard "U" : Papermania "Retro Floral" collection
Image coloured using Sakura watercolour pencils
Ribbon & gems from stash
That's it for now folks and the weather has gotten even better here today so may be able to BBQ. Better get my bum down to Asda & pick up some food... hmm hot dogs & sweetcorn for me as always.
Hope you've all had a fab start to your bank holiday weekend.


  1. Hi Lorraine, fabulous card, love how you made the base and threaded the ribbon through, the bunting is a fabulous touch.

  2. Gorgeous card Lorraine & I love your banner

    Jan xx

  3. Fab card Lorraine - great layout and cute image. Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week and have a great weekend
    Pauline x

  4. fab card hun love the layout....hopr the weather stayed nice for the bbq..

    Emma xxx

  5. What a gorgeous card Lorriane,l love the image and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  6. Wonderful card Lorraine with great shapes!!! Glad you had so much fun making it :o)
    Thanks for joining us this week on PBSC

  7. Love your card! Fabulous image.

  8. Great card, love you you have used shapes to add your greeting.

    Brenda x

  9. Ooh, this is so fab! I love the big shimmery ribbon! Thanks for joining in with the PB challenge this week!
    Beth xx

  10. Morning Mrs, love your card design and so different. Hope your keeping well and that things are getting better for you. Don't over do it with the ironing ... Thinking of you always, Karen oxo

  11. Eine sehr schöne Karte und die Idee,die Buchstaben so anzuordnen ist toll.

  12. This is fab lorraine, love it.

  13. beautiful card for the how you used the shapes and thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...Hugs Kath xxxxx

  14. Hi - love your challenge card. Especially that lovely bunting.

    Love Jules xx

  15. Oh this is gorgeous lorraine, love the image. Thanks for joining us this week at PBSC
    Tracie :)x
