Sunday 3 May 2009

Hubby bought me a pressie....

Now you may know that in my earlier posting I declared I have a "NO SPEND" policy at the moment and I have even managed to sit on my hands all the way through craft day on QVC... difficult though it was and did not make a single purchase.
Well half an hour ago my darling hubby asked me what all I had bought today & believe it or not he had a look of sheer shock on his face when I told him NOTHING.....
Can't be having you watching craft on tv all day long & not getting anything he said... so he decided to buy me something as a little pressie for sticking to my "No Spend" policy... you see I'm a bit of a shop-a-holic when I start.
Thus I am now awaiting receipt of a lovely package from QVC containing the Crafters Delight 4 albums, paper, cards, die-cuts, stickers & ribbons...
Must admit I'm very excited now and eagerly awaiting the day that Mr Postie walks up my driveway with a big box in hand..
Thank you Robbie... you're a wonderful husband...
Hope you've all had a fab day too & now I'm off to cuddle up on the sofa again with hubby.
See you all tomorrow.
Love & Hugs


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you lucky devil!!!
    Enjoy your new stash when it arrives
    Anne x

  2. Waw you are lucky lady! Enjoy! Hugs, Moni

  3. oh wow does he have a brother??? you've got a good one there hun (I know you know it lol)

    have a lovely day out with hubby


    Amanda xxx

  4. Aww what a lovely hubby, I'm trying to have a no spend at the moment too - but it's not going very well!!

    Jan xx

  5. What a nice Hubby you have. I have this kit and you will love it. The papers are brilliant. I was good and only bought 1 thing. (My Hubby doesn't know!) LOL

  6. Sounds like my hubby. He's a keeper for sure.

  7. wow i think we should swap hubbys lmoa :-) mine never does anything like that lol enjoy your new stash, sandra xxx

  8. Wheeee - that looks great - bet you can't WAIT to get your crafty paws on that lot!!

