Saturday 2 May 2009

Fun Time...

Yippee folks the weekend has arrived again & today it has brought a little sunshine with it too... not much I hasten to add but enough... I'm not greedy you know!

Unfortunately poor hubby has had to go into work today but that does mean that I have some time on my hands to do some crafting... you see yesterday turned into a mammoth housework day... all dusting & hoovering done, floors mopped, toilets all washed down, washing done and to top it all off... for the first time since I fell ill last August... I done an ironing... Well mums friend who does it for me wasn't well & Rob had no shirts left so I dragged the ironing board along the floor so I didn't lift it & off I went.. helped along of course by the lovely Rosemary Merry on QVC.
Well that's enough for now else I'll never get around to making any cards... toodles for now my lovely peeps & will be back later.
Happy crafting

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