Thursday 19 March 2009

Would you believe it ....

Now hell's bell's is all I can say on this subject... as I actually feel like I have been in hell for a large proportion of the day....
To let you understand, I developed a viral infection in my throat about 10 days ago... tried the old Strepsils... no didn't work.... moved on to the Beechams... no didn't work... so next I turned to the Paracetamol....
Well last night I saw every hour on the clock with the exception of 4am... yes I coughed the whole night through... needless to say I was feeling a bit tired today but still had some work to do & had to pop to the supermarket... well.... as I was carrying the shopping in, I had another coughing fit & would you believe it... succeeded in pulling one of my chest muscles... AGONY is about the only word I can use for it...
Now because this has been going on for a week... all the coughing had already started to make me ache around the area where my ovary was removed.. have been holding that during the coughs... now since early afternoon today, I also have to grab my chest... the pain is excruciating & my chest feels so tight it's as though I'm having a heart attack...
Think I better just get my butt up to the doctor tomorrow for some anti biotics rather than trying to rely on over the counter medicine...
Needless to say, I ended up going for a lie down this afternoon to try & aleviate the pain so never managed to get any crafting done today at all.. Boo Hoo...
I'm off to watch some tv now whilst I wait to hear from Brianna on how she got on with her competition tonight... it really sucks that I couldn't be there...
Almost forgot to tell you that last night I couldn't find a parking space so dropped Rob off so he could go in & listen to her and I ended up out in the car for an hour & a half... last night she was awarded joint 3rd... hoping it may be a better result for her tonight... Last year she took 1st place in both her sections but she was singing in the 18's and under... this year she is 19 so having to compete in the top section so she is up against people who have been singing for years... whole different ball game for her but also good experience.
For those of you who left comments for her last night I did pass them on & she has asked that I thank you all for your kind words & support... she very much appreciated it.
Well time for me to say night, night... oh boy I have to count all those names tomorrow for the blog candy... how many hours do you think that's gonna take me!
Lorraine xxx


  1. awwww darl I hop the doc gives you some antibiotics tomorrow, fingers crossed they kick in quickly too

    take care babes


    Amanda xxx

  2. Oh Lorraine i do hope you have a better nite n soon get sorted, bit chilly i bet sat in the car, good luck to your daughter, take it easy, sue.x

  3. sorry your not well, i can completely sympathise, i have had the very same virus which lasted 5 weeks, but because im heavily pregnant was not allowed to take anything, anyway,hope you feel better soon and that brianna does well i have listened to her singing and it is truly beautiful.
    sandra xxx

  4. Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight and you sure should get yourself to the doctors these chesty things never seem to clear on there own do they?
    Good luck to Brianna for tonights performance.
    Kim xXx

  5. Sorry to hear you've been feeling so bad Lorraine.Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight and get sorted at the docs tomorrow.Hope your step daughter does really well tonight too.Sending you big gentle hugs.
    Cass xxx

  6. Hi Lorraine sorry to hear your unwell hope you feel better very soon.
    good luck to your daughter.
    take care
    Tracy x

  7. Hope Brianna gets on fine tonight, and hope the quack gives you something decent to get rid of that awful chest.

  8. Hope you get well soon Lorraine all you need now is to wee your pants which is what usually happens to me when i have a coughing fit even at the age of 34, may be embarassing but not painful, good look to your daughter and good luck with all the counting and mostly take it easy this weekend.
    hugs Debea xx

  9. Oh, Lorraine, you poor girl. I'm so sorry all this has happened to you. Yes, I do think it is time to visit your "Doc". Sounds like you like to go there as much as I do. lol Whoops, no, don't lol, it would probably hurt too much. I'm sure we are all excited about the drawing for your candy, but really and truly, I would much rather you take care of yourself and get your rest. Please, please, don't worry about us, I'm sure most papercrafters are very patient people. Take care and feel better soon. Linda S. in NE

  10. Lorraine, make sure you take yourself off to the doctor first thing.
    Anne x

  11. You poor thing, there is a lot of it about. I hope you feel better soon hunny, take care of you, don't worry about us.

    Cazzy x

  12. You poor dear! I can definitely sympathize with you about the chest pain as I have done that. It is pure agony! Hope the doctor gives you some good antibiotics and something to quiet the cough too!

    Congrats to your daughter! She has a beautiful voice.

  13. heh chickie ~ just wanted to pop by and say hi and see your smilin face! big hugs to ya and hope you're feeling better REAL soon! hugz

  14. Shame, you poor thing. Coughing is horrible and then to have the sore throught too!
    Hope Brianna did fantastically well last night. To come third in an open category is an amazing achievement. Well done to her.Hope you feel better soon. My mom would have said: Lots of water and some bed rest and you will be A for away!

  15. What a day lorraine! Hoping you get yourself sorted quickly and feel much better very soon!
    I did sit at work last night thinking of Brianna, strange as I don't even know her!!!
    Lou XX

  16. Hi Lorraine,

    Sorry to hear your unwell hope you feel better very soon!!!



  17. oh Lorraine am sorry you re feeling so unwell, I've had that pain from coughing fits and it is excruciating. Hope you re better soon.
    Also hope Brianna did well last night :-)
