Thursday 19 March 2009

Daily Candy Add on ( FINAL )

Well another fantastic add on for you today.... THE FINAL ONE............................
Now today's add on has come to you by courtesy of the lovely Sheonagh who is the owner of Telfords Direct... now I design for Sheonagh and so love getting my hands on her goodies... arent't they just yummy.... her stock room is a wealth of hidden gems & one where you are just never quite sure exactly what you will find...
I did tell you yesterday that when I went to visit her I was prepared to beg, borrow or steal... alas none of that was required... when I put the suggestion to her that she share some of her lovelies with you bloggers, she was more than happy to oblige..

Good excuse for me to have a good old rummage & believe it or not I got so carried away getting stuff for you, that I forgot to get anything for myself... that is without a word of a lie... thankfully however I will be visiting again over the next week or so and I will be prepared....
For today, I decided to try & give you a little taste of what Sheonagh is all about... mad, nutty, whacky... oh yes she is all of these but she also loves to share these traits with you through her products...

What all is included... here goes...
Charms, embellishments, roses, Puddle Lodge "Chocolate" message stickers, skeleton leaves, grapevine hearts, sinamay mesh, papier mache box, leather offcuts, Puddle Lodge Celtic foil seals, very exquisite fluffy feathers, cello bags & paper bags...
I do hope that you find this a wide enough variety to give you an idea of the type of goodies available from Sheonagh, but may I strongly suggest that today again, make yourself a nice old cuppa, pop over to her website & have a good old look around....
To join in with this final lot of candy.. simply leave a comment here and perhaps you could say thank you to Sheonagh also for her generosity.
Hope you all have a super day & not long now till you find out who has won all of these goodies... It could very well end up being you... GOOD LUCK.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Many, many thanks to you and Sheonagh for your generous prizes. I really do enjoy reading your blog.

    Hope I win...


  2. I was close with my guess yesterday. I guessed that it was a candy cane. If you put to candy canes together, it makes a heart!!!

  3. Waw gorgeous candy, and big thanks to Sheonagh! I would really love to win your candy! Have a nice day! Hugs, Moni

  4. Hi Lorraine,
    Sorry trying to catch up on some commenting, not been too well, so missed a few, but think i have caught up now... gorgeous candy AGAIN....

    If you get a mo, take a sneek at my new blog..

    Take care hun..
    Hugs Angel

  5. Oh, wow, thanks to Sheonagh for playing along with you (and us, possibly ;)
    Thank you again, it's been a fun time waiting for your daily add on every morning. Now - fingers crossed for the draw!
    Bye, Kitty

  6. I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
    And I'm your Follower!
    Thanks for a chance to win!


  7. wow what a great selection of goodies, thank you Sheonagh, and thank you Lorraine for a fab couple of weeks fun!

  8. I've not seen most of these things before but they definitely look like must-haves so I'll be looking at the Telford's site. Thanks to Sheonagh for her generosity and to you Lorraine again!
    Ali xx

  9. This is such wonderful, and unique candy! We really needed no prompt so give our thanks to Sheonagh, the same as Craig the other day! So Thank You!!
    Good Luck counting all those entries Lorraine, you'll need it!!
    Lou XX

  10. ohhhhhhh lovely bits this morning. Someone is going to be a happy blogger now:)
    Good luck girls and a big thanks to you for being so generous Lorraine.

  11. Lorraine, thanks for the offer of some blog candy. How nice it was of Sheonagh to let you have some items. Best wishes. Kym xxx

  12. all I can say is wow yet again, many thanks to you Lorraine and also to Sheonagh for her generosity
    good luck to everyone

  13. Wonderful candy. Thank you for a chance. My link is in the right sidebar on my blog.

  14. Oh wow! Your generosity has no limits, neither has Sheonagh's, thank you for this amazing opportunity! :)
    Hugs, SannaS

  15. The grand finale of your giveaway & what a lovely stash of goodies it is, thank you Sheonagh, so very generous of you. Now let's I hope win these marvellous goodies!


    Jan x

  16. wow what fab stash!! love the wee hearts, they are adorable :o)


    Amanda xx

  17. firstly a massive thanks to Sheonagh for giving us such a chance to own your lovely goodies.
    and another massive thanks and hugs to you Lorraine for giving us all the chance to win all these gorgeous fingers crossed and good luck everyone
    hugs clarexx

    hope your having a lovely day..its gorgeous here again,its a shame im back in work later :-(
    hugs clarex

  18. Great final addition. Big thanks to Sheonagh for your generosity. Also thanks to you Lorraine for all the lovlies you have posted up for some lucky person to win. (me)

  19. Sheonagh thank you so much for today's add on, fabulous items!

    Lorraine, What a sweet and generous person you are. Thanks so much for the chance to win all of this fabulous candy, someone is going to be a VERY lucky person.


  20. Oooh I hope its ME !! ha ha Sheonagh has been very generous, am going to pop over there now to have a nosey :-)

  21. How generous of her to let us have all of that!
    You had me going there for a bit, couldn't figure out what it was yesterday. Did get the feathers, but those little hearts, they are just too cute!

  22. That's a great variety, would love to win and create with this. Thank you Sheonagh for donating all this.

  23. Fabulous candy. And thanks to Sheonagh for her generosity. :)
    x Natasha x

  24. A lovely lot of crafting goodies for which I think we are all very grateful to Sheonagh for her donation but more importantly to you Lorraine for your hard work and effort into putting this candy offer together.
    To win this candy would just about finish my birthday off and add to the high that I am on today lol.
    Thanks again for the chance to join in.
    Kim xXx

  25. Hi lorraine
    your candy was an amazing adventure!! Your idea is genial!! I like your daily add ons!!

    Also this is beautiful!
    I cross my fingers.. good luck to all!!

    hugs elisabetta

  26. Wow. Another generous giveaway.

  27. Wow gorgeous candy, and big thanks to Sheonagh! I would really love to win your candy! Have a nice day! Hugs, Fifi

  28. super candy.
    Thank you

  29. another great add on - thanks to Sheonagh for providing it!

  30. Thanks a million Sheonagh for this fab candy, popped over to your blog yesterday and left a wee comment. Well Lorraine, just how are you going to sort out this candy??? let me know how it goes, and please put my name in the hat, if I win you can guarantee the Mum and Kelsey will get their fair share out of it also, hugs and kisses Karen

    Ps Just thought I would tell you its 16c here at the moment, not a cloud in the sky - BLISS

  31. Wow, I just wish I had been well enough to follow you every day ...

    Good luck to the winner of this fabulous blog candy with a twist - Ive enjoyed seeing your posts - as and when Ive been able to join in

    Zoe x

  32. Great Candy. Love them all. Thanks for offering them

  33. You are all very welcome - whoever wins send me a picture of what you make with my goodies and we will put it on my blog!!
    Sheonagh x

  34. Good heavens, what a lot! Thank you for the chance!

  35. WOW, thsi has been too much fun!! Thanks to Sheonagh for her generosity, too!! Getting my coffe and going to check out her site!! Thanks for the chance again!

    Rubber Hugs,

  36. wow what a great "candy bag" I'll have to check it out with a "cuppa" over at the website, thanks for the headsup!

  37. I hate to see this giveaway come to an end. It has been so much fun waiting to see what you would come up with next. Thank you to Sheonagh for her contribution. OK I'm ready ... draw my name... I have my fingers crossed. ms.cheryl

  38. Many thanks to you and Sheonagh for such a wonderful candy!!!
    You make someone a VERY lucky person!

  39. Big thanks to Sheonagh for your generosity!!!!

    Good luck to the winner of this fabulous blog candy ....Ihave me fingers crossed !!!!

    Thank you Lorraine for your lovely candy !!!!

    Hugs, Peggy

  40. Thanks so much for your many gorgeous candy....I hope I can win one of your candy....hugs and best regards from Germany.Monika

  41. Lorraine,
    Thank you for your generousity with this fun give away. And thanks to Sheonaugh for her donation (if I win feel free to keep something for yourself since you forgot to when you were going through her stash :)

  42. Hi Lorraine wow thank you and to Sheonagh too for such wounderful candy. Popping over now to have a good snoop around. Thanks again for such a wide range of scrummy candy.
    Hugs Linda with her fingers crossed

  43. many many thanks to your good self and sheonagh and any other contributors for the wonderful add ons to this extraordinary blog generous and thoughtful.......good luck to every one....fingers toes everything crossed even my!!!! sassyxx.

  44. saved the best for last. crossing my fingers that i win. :)

  45. Wow what a fantastic add on Lorraine and many thanks to you and Shenoagh...certainly gets the creative juices flowing. :) :)

    Thank you again for a wonderful treasure really enjoyed visiting and playing along. ;) :) Like I have said before it was an ingenious idea...:) :)


  46. what another lovely candy add on, thanks for the chance to win so many wonderful things,

  47. thanks for sharing all your chances for these wonderful goodies. Thanks to Sheonagh For her wonderful donation it's sweet :)

  48. Wow what a fab finale hun!

    And a big thank you to Sheonagh for the generous add on...

    fingers crossed for tommorrow its so exciting ..
    Take care hun and I hope you have your feet up!!!!

    Emma xxx

  49. Lorraine, My what a fun time I have had with you on your blog. I have really enjoyed seeing new products, learning new brand names, and reading about your everyday life. So many of the items in your candy "aisle" (because it's so big) are not familiar to us here in the USA. That makes it even more fun if we win, as we will have some things our friends have never seen or used before. Please extend a big Thank-you to your friend Sheonagh for her contribution. Linda S. in NE

  50. Wow, I am liking that, but is that a pair of knickers in the bottom corner? The black item?

    Cazzy x

  51. Big thanks to Sheonagh for the great add on! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful goodies.


  52. Just hope it's not too late to be in the drawing!

  53. Youalway have such great thing to give your a really greay person Thank you for all the chances Sarah
