Friday 20 March 2009


Good morning to all you lovely peeps out there.... I am hoping that we are going to have another glorious day of sunshine here as it is still very misty at the moment... it was like that yesterday and cleared around 10.30am to give us the most beautiful blue sky... oh... does that mean I can get my washing out on the line again... 2 days in a row... yippee... I do so hate the winter months when everything has to be hung up inside and you never get the fresh air blowing through it...
Thank you to everyone who left me well wishes last night & I will be calling the doctors shortly. It's always a nightmare up there before 10am & I will be happy if they can just arrange for me to collect a prescription & go.. I'm also supposed to be attending a 40th birthday party tomorrow night & at the moment it looks like that is going to be a no no... sucks... you never know though if I can get some good tablets into me that may well change.
As for Brianna who was singing in the Glasgow Music Festival last night (I never made it), we had to text her around 10.30pm as we hadn't heard from her.... the response was a brief text back saying "didn't win, don't want to talk about it now"... poor wee soul... What makes it worse is that we weren't there so have no idea what happened... she has said if she feels like it today then she will call but we never pressure her & allow her to talk about these things in her own time... she takes losing very bad as she always strives to be the best she can & takes it very personal... it is sad to see her so upset but at the same time it's good character building for her as she will have to learn to take the hits if she wants to work in the industry.
Finally, I have decided to leave the daily candy add on open until 12 noon today, just incase someone has missed out on yesterdays... then after this the counting will begin... think I will have to resort to writing all the names down so that counting through them will be easier.
I also started on a wee bonnet last night for my friends daughter, I was going to make it an Easter one but changed my mind as that would mean she could really only use it for a few days.. instead it's going to be a bit more summery so she can wear it anytime. With any luck I might get it finished at some point today & uploaded.
Hope you all have a fab day.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hope all is wellafter your visit to the doctors.


  2. Oh Mrs you better take it easy dont want you falling sick again on me, hope Brianna is ok, but as you said she has to learn to take the rough with the smooth, she is a wonderful singer and will win plenty of competitions in the months and years ahead of her. Let me know what the doc says and take it easy, don't be doing anything silly now :-) Karen

  3. Dear Lorraine, I hope you will get well soon. May you will better and your birthday party will be as planned.
    Very pity for Briana. She is very good singer. She is young and may be she will win next year.

  4. Morning Lorraine
    I really hope the doctor sorts you out this morning.
    I do hope Brianna comes round it is a really good learning curve for her we always have to take the rough with the smooth. I love reading your posts they liven my day especially when I see you writing about Brianna, I have 4 children 2 of my own and 2 step children that I have brought up since they were babies. All too often step children or step parents are spoken of in the negative where as I have a wonderful relationship with mine as I think you do to.
    Kim xXx

  5. Hope you're feeing better soon

    Take care

    Jan x

  6. Hun you better be taking care of yourself. I don't want you ill again. Sorry about your daughter not winning, but as you said it helps build character. I am sorry that you couldn't be there for her.

  7. Poor Brianna - she must have felt so disapointed..
    Hope your docs appointment went well Lorraine - you must have been coughing really hard to pull a chest muscle - you need to take it easy. :)


  8. Have a blessingful day and feel well. ms.cheryl

  9. DEar Lorraine
    I hope you will get well soon.
    take care :-)

    hugs elisabetta

  10. I missed the post saying you were sick. I'm sorry and I hope you feel better soon.

  11. Aww Lorraine
    Sorry to hear you haven't been well - hope you got the doctor to sort you out with some medication..
    Hope you feel better soon


  12. Beetr late than never Lorriane, hope by now you've got some meds into you and feeling a little more like yourself.
    Shame about Brianna, but as you say it'd good character building stuff. Her voice is amazing!!!!
    Anne x

  13. hope your feeling bettewr...keep on taking the tablets...sorry to hear of brianna's disapointment but like you say she is with the big people now and no doubt her confidence has had a knock.....please reasure her she has a fabulous talent....and life is difficult but to ride above her disapontment and keep doing what she does so well....its a tough life in the day it will be her time to shine above the rest.....till then wish her all the love in the world.....she will get there......hugs sassyx
