Tuesday 3 March 2009

Hoppy time

What's on the agenda today.... well it's physio day again & I'm so hoping she's gentle with me. Then have to fit my manicure in somewhere as you know how things always happen when you least want them to... well I've succeeded in breaking 3 nails this week.
Yippee just now though as hubby has run most of the hot water away this morning so I've had to put the heater on again which means I have a little time on my hands so have decided to use it wisely & do some hopping... I've so been missing you all and will visit as many of you as I can over the next hour...
Well quicker I leave you here the better chance I have of visiting you...
Big hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Have a great Day Lorraine..
    Hope the physio is nice to you!!!
    Enjoy your manicure...and
    Have fun at the SECC Yaah!!!:)♥

  2. Hey Lorraine,
    Good luck with physio,
    Ohhh love to get my nails done,
    WHICH REMINDS ME ...lol...
    Thanks for hopping by my bloggie...
    Hugs Angel

  3. Hi Lorraine,

    I have an award for you on my blog !!!!


  4. I hope your therapist was more gentle with you than mine was with me today. Have been in agony since I got home!
