Tuesday 3 March 2009

SECC News....

Gosh peeps can you believe it is only 2 more days to go then the craft show kicks off at the SECC... for all my Scottish buddies out there who are going to make the show please make sure you pop along & say hi to me on the Fiskars stand....
My philosophy... the more the merrier...
Although she may not be on the stand this time around I do know that the fabulous Kath will be in the building on Thursday... and rumour has it that she will be hanging around the Fiskars stand at approx 11am..... ssssshhhhhh don't let her know I told all you mad stalkers out there where & when to find her.
Well bedtime for me now... need to get my old beauty sleep in so I look my best for the show.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Have a fabulous time!! >:0)


  2. woo.hoo...only 2 more days to go...can't wait to meet up with all my Fiskars and bloggy buds again...hope there's time for a sspot of shopping...good luck with the show
    Hugs Kath xxxx

  3. WOOP WOOOOP!!!!!
    2 day's... yahhhhhhh!!!!!
    Duhhhh why am i getting exciting, i live MILES away booooo hoooooo...
    Wish i could be there hun,
    Have a smashing day..
    Be thinking of ya...
    Hugs Angel

  4. I'll definetely be along to see you on the Saturday, shame I can't come on Thursday so I could meet more of the gorgeous girlies!!! Hope the physio was ok :o)


    Amanda xxx

  5. I'll be there will bells on honey bunny will def be popping :) see you then.
