Tuesday 3 March 2009

Can you believe it ....

Evening folks... just thought that before popping off to bed I would share a little picture with you... this is what I can see from my window tonight....
Oh boy it only started to snow about an hour & a half ago... before that it had been raining very heavily so really didn't think the snow would lie... but alas.... it's white again...

Would love to hear who all else has had snow as I really thought that winter was behind us now...
obviously that's what I get for thinking too much...
Well I'm off to bed as physio wore me out again as well as dashing around making sure that there is enough supplies in to keep poor old hubby & the animals going while the SECC is on... you know what men can be like...
So nighty nighty my lovelies & see you all tomorrow.
Lorraine xxx


  1. hiya hun, i was told that other day that everywhere was supposed to be getting snow again!! lets hope it's not as bad as last time!

    in plymouth we have currently got no snow, but we didn't get any last time! it hardly ever seems to snow in plymouth!!

    hope you have a good time at SECC and that your hubby manages to cope you without you!!


    jodie xx

  2. So far we have missed this batch! We were hit so hard in January - I am hoping it is over for us. I left an award over on my blog for all my faithful blogging friends like yourself - please go over and get it - you deserve it! you are such an inspiration!

  3. We had some snow today and COLD yesterday and today. I am ready for no more white stuff and temps below 60. LOL

  4. oh shucks....better get the cosy boots looked out for tomorrow....we have the most gorgeous bright morning here...cold but no snow
    Hugs Kath xxxxx

  5. we've got a wee bot of snow but not as much as we had last time!! Hope you get all organized for the secc, I'm sure hubby will cope.....thats what take aways are for lol


    Amanda xx

  6. Ohhhhh i love the snow, doesn't it make that piccy look magical...
    Hugs Angel

  7. good Grief can't believe all that snow - we have nothing yet..
