Wednesday 4 March 2009

Daily Candy Add on

Morning everyone... hope you are all up nice, bright & early & more importantly... feeling good...
Now you may or may not know that I had to withdraw from demonstrating at the SECC in October last year as I was recovering from surgery so believe you me I am so happy that I am fit enough now to tackle it.... only wish my good buddy Kath was going to be by my side... we really do have quite a hoot when working along side one another... last time we could have done with some Tena Lady....
Well in order to celebrate me getting back to work & seeing as my first big job is literally on my own door step, I have decided to do some blog candy with a difference....
What I am going to do is something new on to the candy every day for the next 2 weeks.... that means that at the end of it you will receive no less than 14 different items either to use or add some blog candy of your own....
First on the list is this Artisan jewellery making kit which contains beautiful glass beads... now these can be used for jewellery, but likewise can also be used on your cards or scrap pages...

The rules.....................................................
Easy really... simply leave a comment on any of the daily blog candy links & you will be counted.
If you comment on all 14 days then you will be entered 14 times....
Well hope you like my little twist on blog candy & you never know what could appear if I find something special at the show...
Big hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Waw gorgeous candy, I love to make jewellery! I would love to win it! Hugs, moni

  2. Wow hun!!

    what a fab concept like a daily treasure hunt lol!!
    i'm gutted i cant get to the SECC it would have been great to have a chin wag face to face! but i am going to the harrogate show, as its much nearer lol.....

    please enter me for your fab candy hun! i'll be back every day....

    have fun at the show and take lots of pics xxx

    Emma xxx

  3. What a novel idea.I follow your blog avidly and I'm looking forward to seeing what new goodies appear every day! I hope you have a fantastic time at the SECC -- it's a bit far away for me but I'll be at the NEC instead.
    Ali xx

  4. Oooh lovely I have just started making jewellery, would love to be entered please

    hugs Debs x

  5. fab idea, and very generous of you, have fun getting back to work, it sounds like a dream job, to far for me to go, even if my leg wasn't broken. enjoy your day x x

  6. ooooh what a fabby idea babes! I am off to link you up :o)


    Amanda xx

  7. What a lovely idea, really good of you, so here's today's comment & thanks

    Jan x

  8. What a lovely idea Lorriane and very generous too.
    Good luck at the SECC tomorrow, still not decided if I'm going or not (slapper wrist for me lol)

  9. WOW,.....
    how exciting is this, fantastic idea...
    Have a great day, just take care of yourself too, hun...
    Off to link you, but i will be back, like always..
    Hugs Angel

  10. You have fun at the SECC and enjoy! :) You are very generous with this blog candy! What a fun idea!

    Hugs, SannaS

  11. Lorraine!!

    oh, this is marvelous!! what a nice idea for a daily candy!
    and what a wonderful candy you are offering!

    Thanks for the change to win!! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  12. Fun idea. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. What a totally FUN Idea!! ENjoy the SECC. I am here each day, so will enter daily! I am gonna link your candy, too!!

    Rubber Hugs,

  14. Nice idea. I try to win. I link your candy on my side bar, and it stays there for all the time :)

  15. Super idea!! I'll be back each day!! And Enjoy SECC!!

  16. What a nice idea for a daily candy!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the change to win!!
    I am gonna link your candy

    Greetings Peggy

  17. thats a bit different Lorraine - I like it.

    good luck at the SECC, I can't make it unfortunately - but have a great time and don't forget the Tena's just in case as I know the woman in question will be visiting tomorrow lol

  18. lovely kit Lorraine
    will heckle you er.. see you tomorrow at the Fiskars stall and hopefully you can get away and join us all for a cuppa

  19. Congrats on going to the SECC!!! Sounds like a lot of fun!
    And thanks for the chance for some great blog candy again!


  20. Wow what fab candy xxx
    hope you are ok babe xxx and not to much snow ,hugs Dawnxx

  21. Fun, fun, fun. I visit your blog everyday anyway!!!

  22. That's a grand idea! Specially for us ;) Thank you for your generosity!

  23. Oh wow what a fantastic offer again

    You are such a sweet,kind, wonderful lady

    Zoe x

    my blog

  24. Hi Lorraine - what an exciting adventure you are making this blog candy..:) Love your new twist to it - very ingenious. :) Would surely love to give it a loving crafty home. :)
    Glad you are back and rearing to go again too. :)


  25. Hi Lorraine what a novel idea you have come up with, love it and your candy is beautiful. I shall link you on in candy jar.
    Hugs Linda

  26. gosh,,,how fab is this idea....ill bee checking in every night lol xxx

  27. HI Lorraine!!!YOu are already on my sidebar!!!
    Thanks for the chance!!!


  28. wow!so generous of you. thanks for a chance to play. :)

  29. what a fantastic idea and very generous of you. i'd love to enter

    those beads look fantastic, i can't wait to see what else will be added

    i will be back every day to have a chance of winning

    hope you have a fab time at the SECC hun, unfortunately it is too far away for me to attend but i will be with you in spirit

    take care and big hugs

    jodie xx

  30. Fabulous idea. Now lets hope I don't forget to comment each day.

  31. Hi Lorraine - fabulous new candy giveaway! You are always on my sidebar as you're so generous!! Love n Hugs to you xxx

    PS Enjoy the SECC!!!

  32. Well now, thats a new twist on blog candy. HOW FUN !!
    I can't wait to see the everyday additions and the suspense is building...
    Thanks so much , ms.cheryl

  33. this is a great idea!thanks for the chance!Congrats on going to the SECC!
    I posted a link on my candy sidebar and I visit your blog everyday anyway!!!
    greetings Emilie

  34. Oh this is a lovely idea :-) Will post a link on my sidebar

  35. wow..your are a very kind hun..would love the chance please,never tryed jewllery making yet.
    thanks clare xx

  36. Wow! What's alovely kit! Thanks to the chance tu win it!

  37. Ohh, this wouls be perfect for my friends bday next month. Obviously I wouls actually make her something, not just give her the box!!!
    Great start hun! Count me in!
    Lou XX

  38. wow what a fab idea for candy how lucky are we.
    Debra xx

  39. Wow Lorraine, you really are the current Candy Queen. What a fab idea, thanks for the chance.
    Good Luck at the SECC. Was hoping to arrange a visit to see my mum to coinside with the show, but we're going up at Easter now, sorry I can't be there, saving my pennies for Harrogate now at end of month.

    Will add link to my sweet candy list on sidebar.

    Joanne x

  40. Can't believe how generous this is.

    I've put a link to you on my sidebar.



  41. What a neat idea! I'll make sure to check back every day to see what you've added! I'm also adding a link to your candy on my blog. Have fun at the show!

  42. Great idea and a bit of good fun! Please count me in, I'm off to blog now.

    Liza x

  43. What a fab twist on the blog candy idea. Please count me in, I've added a link to the candy list on my blog sidebar.

  44. what a lovely idea Lorraine and so generous too..


  45. Lorraine, I love this idea! I will look forward to seeing what you add each and every day! >:0)

    Thanks so much and Congrats on getting back to work!


  46. This is so kewl Count me in Your way to sweet
    Going to add you into my Blog and off to try the other Candies :) MMMM

  47. I love to put unexpected items like beads on my cards. Thanks for the chance at winning some. Linda S.

  48. Hi Lorraine, I would love to take part in your candy. I have linked you here.

  49. This is a very nice candy..thanks for the chance to win this...Monika in Germany

  50. wow your idea is wondeful!! You are a genius!!
    thanks for the chance to win!!

    hugs elisabetta

  51. Oh, really cute :) Every crafter's dream :)

  52. Congrats on the new job. Best Wishes to you. How fun to change up the usual blog candy.I'll be back.

  53. Hi Lorraine,

    I love this idea but as I was away in Restbite I have had to link today.

  54. What a generous blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win!

  55. Wow What a fab idea to add on everyday, am off to leave a link on my blog.
    Trish (-:

  56. Ooo how did I miss this! Where is day one I wonder, is this it?

    Off to comment more and link, could be a while!

    Cazzy x

  57. This sounds like fun! Glad you are able to return to work :)

  58. What a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. Fab candy idea...hugs kirsten

  60. What a cool idea! Wish me luck!

  61. What a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs Fifi:)

  62. Congrats on your getting back to work. :)
    x Natasha x

  63. just found your blog today. Love it!
