Wednesday 18 March 2009

Design talk & blog help

Well as you may or may not know (depends if you've read my profile), amongst one of the fruits of my labour... is doing design work for Telfords Direct... golly gosh it's hard being part of the crafting industry... lol....
Now Sheonagh (the owner) is the first to admit she is not into blogging, but with some help & encouragement she has made a start and today I am off out to help her gain a better insight into what we do here in blogland... so hopefully by the end of the day her knowledge on blogging will have increased & we will see & hear a lot more of her.
The truly sad part of all this is that I have to sit amidst her vast array of gorgeous & often unusual goodies she sells on the website... thankfully this is where my designer aspect comes into play... and I'm sure I'll have to beg, borrow & steal some new stash.. for future projects of course... all in the name of Telfords Direct...
Once we have her all sorted out I will let you know.
For any of you fans of my dearly beloved loyal & faithful friend Amanda Bateman.... well you will want to watch this space as she is also part of Sheonagh's design team....
Anyhow, must dash now & crack on with the day... it's too exciting not too...
Hope to be back to visit you later & in the meantime have a super day....
Don't forget to watch for the old daily candy add on...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Have a super day, Lorraine! >:0)

  2. Hi Lorraine all the best to your friend in blog land and hope you get your hands on some of her goodies lol.
    Hugs Linda
